Sector 1. Tivenys-Tortosa.This section, also known as the five-islands, we divide it into two stages. In general we find a sector with strong current sections that decreases at points where the river widens. Note. The river is favorable, with strong currents, you can swim in an average time between two hours or two and a half hours. You can reach speeds of 10 km/h. Stage 1. Tivenys-Bítem.The first stage visits the Masos and La Plana Islands, going Xerta, reaching Bitem in a section where river slows. |
Stage 2. Bítem-Tortosa.In the second stage we will pass the Audí Islands and Xiquina Island which will bring Tortosa through the Pont de l'Estat and the Eiffel Brige reaching the rowing club old pier. Tortosa pier.Midpoint of the course. Appearance of the river changes. End of a narrow river with a favorable stream and changes to a wide river with a very smooth stream. |
Sector 2. Tortosa-Campredó.A sector that take us through the Pont del Mil·lenari, Millenium Bridge, brings the Illa dels Bous, Bulls Island, and leads to the modern pier of the Tortosa Rowing Club at Campredó. From here the river is losing speed until the Campredó pier, where you begin to feel the effects of the wind and the sea. Note. The current falls and the river widens and the time increases considerably for swimming the following meters. In this sector seize the rest of current strength and a good navigation are essential. Cut point. 5 hours. Tortosa Rowing Club.Complicated point of the course, 10 kilometres left to the finish line where the wind and the sea influence may difficult the success of the swim. |
Sector 3. Campredó-Amposta.The last section, where the river surface is against us by the effects of the sea wind and you can even find the effect of current against us. Four birges beginning in the pipeline followed by a long straight until the last three bridges, the train, the highway and the suspension bridge, Amposta's door to the end of the journey. Note. To swim the reamining meters is more difficult and where the kayaker should encourage their swimmer. In addition to the accumulated fatigue, mental fatigue and the vision of the goal we can find us with winds from the east that difficult our progress, even creating the sensation of swimming upstream. The sea breeze is more present on shiny days and usually appears after noon. Maximum time: 8 hours.Exception of FINA Open Waters Rules that gives two hours since the arrival of the first swimmer. |
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