If you plan seriously to swim the UltraEbre Swim Marathon and don't how you get to test your best, we suggest prepare it with the B-swim team..

In the program we offer you general or customized training sessions, in pool or in open waters, individual or in group. Not only train in swimming, fitness, mental and dry training are also important.

We offer

  • A personalized technical study on startup
  • Weekly training plan
  • Style correction exercises.
  • Advice on supplies and tactics in competitions in open water.
  • Doubts resolution by email

How to contract?

Email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the subject UltraEbre training or fill the telling us what's your goal and your swimming level and we will contact as soon as possible to start working with you.



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tivenysgr xertagr tortosagr ampostagr esportcatlogr gencatlogr idecelogr fmqvgr


BSwimgr nutriexpergr SWICOredgr sportsticksgr RedNessgr 4colors2gr ubaldogr EdgarEndrinogr eblancogr